Ear Health A-Z

Do I need to use Olive oil to soften the wax?

Olive oil is one of the most common cooking oils and a staple in the Mediterranean diet. It has many health benefits , it’s also a traditional remedy for removing ear wax and treating ear infections.

Ear wax is produced by glands at the entrance to your ear canal to lubricate and protect your skin. It usually doesn’t need to be removed. However, a buildup of wax can sometimes affect your hearing, cause discomfort, or interfere with hearing aid use. It can also trap bacteria, increasing your risk of developing an ear infection. There aren’t many large, high-quality studies about the effectiveness of olive oil for removing ear wax. A 2013 study followed participants who applied olive oil to their ears every night for 24 weeks. Over time, olive oil actually increased the amount of ear wax.

Some people also use olive oil to treat ear pain caused by an infection. Olive oil does have some antibacterial properties, but it’s unclear whether it kills the types of bacteria that cause ear infections.

Don’t use olive oil or any other product in the ear if you have a ruptured ear drum. If you’re not sure if you have a ruptured ear drum, see your doctor before using any remedy in your ear, including natural remedies.

Don’t place cotton swabs or any other object inside the ear to remove wax or relieve itching. This can easily damage your ear drum or push wax deeper into your ear. Putting cotton swabs in your ear also increases your risk of developing an ear infection. It’s also responsible for sending thousands of children to the emergency room with ear injuries each year.

Olive oil may have some benefits for your ears, but it can sometimes do more harm than good, especially when it comes to removing ear wax.

Ear Microsuction is widely recognised as a safest and most gentle technique of ear wax removal. Ask your Practitioner if they are medical trained in Microsuction. Using a Service provider who is not trained to recognise normal/abnormal anatomical and physiological features of an Ear, can put you to high risk of having your ears damaged, perforated Eardrums or permanent hearing loss.

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